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FAQ - Architectural Control Committee

Why does the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) exist?

The Crystal Park HOA’s goal is to maximize property values, by protecting the overall appearance and aesthetics of the neighborhood. To that end, all exterior alterations or additions must be pre-approved by the ACC committee.


How far in advance should I submit an ACC Request form?

Thirty days minimum. All exterior alterations or additions must be pre-approved by the ACC committee. This review may take up to 30 days upon submission.


When DO I need to submit an ACC Request form for a home improvement project?

If you are changing the color or texture of your home, planning a landscaping project, remodeling/adding a deck, or replacing/adding a fence.  If you are unsure if you need ACC approval or are just seeking input, please contact us and ask. Please submit an ACC Request form to obtain approval for your home improvement project.


When DON'T I need to submit an ACC Request form for a home improvement project?

If you are removing landscaping or making minor repairs to paint, deck, or fencing there is no need to submit an ACC Request Form. If you are unsure if you need ACC approval or are just seeking input, please contact us and ask. 


Who do I contact when doing any digging or excavating in my yard?

Please refer to 

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