FAQ - Annual Dues
How much are yearly homes association dues?
Annual fees vary due to pricing changes in weekly trash service. In 2024, dues were $750. The homes association portion was $484.50 and the weekly trash service was $265.50. Beginning in 2024, the homes association portion of dues will increase by 2% annually to account for inflationary increases in pricing of goods and services.
What are my annual dues used for?
About 35% of your annual dues payment is for weekly trash service. Our negotiated group rate is considerably less than the rate paid by single subscriber households in Shawnee. Another 20% of your dues payment goes toward landscaping and maintenance of the entrance monuments. Another 33% goes toward maintaining and cleaning the neighborhood swimming pool. The remaining 14% pays for neighborhood events, utilities, insurance, taxes, and administrative expenses. The dues assessment and a detailed budget allocation for the current and previous years are located on the Dues/Annual Budget page of our website.
How do I pay my homes association dues?
Dues can be paid online through Cheddar Up or by mailing a check. There is a $0.59 processing fee when paying by eCheck or a 3.9% fee when paying by credit card.
If paying by check, please make the check payable to Crystal Park Homes Association and mail your payment(s) to:
Crystal Park HOA
5427 Payne Street
Shawnee, KS 66226
When are fees due?
Fees can be paid in two installments. The first installment (50%) is due on February 1st. The second installment (remaining 50%) is due on March 1st. If dues are not postmarked by these dates a $50 late fee will be incurred. At least one email will be sent to each residence as a courtesy reminder.
What happens if I don’t pay my dues?
If your dues are late you will be charged a $50 late fee. Continued failure to pay your dues will result in loss of privileges (e.g., pool access, trash service being turned off, etc.)
Can I request a modified payment structure?
Financial hardship requests are granted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Treasurer at treasurer.crystal.park.hoa@gmail.com to discuss your needs.